Atom’s One for GNOME Terminal is out

edit on github

One Dark Terminal

I like GitHub’s Atom editor. It’s really cool tools that makes my life easier. Atom has great One Dark and One Light themes out of box.

However I like GNOME too and use default gnome-terminal with my dotfiles. That’s a great work environment for me.

I’ve been using Solarized theme for terminal as default for a long time:

Atom & Solarized Terminal

As you can see above, when you use different themes in editor and terminal, you’ll always feel confused after switching each other.

Thus I decided to use One Dark theme in terminal too. Unfortunately, there isn’t One Dark theme for gnome-terminal. So, I’ve written One Dark and One Light theme for GNOME Terminal and now it looks great:

Atom & One Terminal

These themes use color palette from original One syntax theme.


For installation just execute desired command below. Be careful, terminal will be closed after install.

One Dark

wget && .

One Light

wget && .


Also, I recommend to use Inconsolata (only latin) or Fira Mono fonts for better compatibility with Atom Editor.


So, now perfect One Light and One Dark themes available on GitHub. Check out gnome-terminal-one repo.